5 Essential Tips to Consider When Buying Wall Mirrors for Your Home Gym

person at a gym looking at a wall mirror

What if a bit of self-reflection was the real key to making gains?

No, we’re not talking about quietly meditating over your place in the universe. To make the most out of each workout, you need to check your reflection in some home gym mirrors.

However, not every mirror works well for your fitness journey. How can you pick the best mirrors for your home workout needs? Please keep reading to discover our comprehensive guide!

Why Use Home Gym Mirrors?

We’ve put together a solid guide for factors you should consider when buying mirrors for home gyms. First, we need to answer the obvious question: Why does your home gym need a mirror?

The short answer is that it helps you keep track of your progress and maintain motivation throughout your workouts. The longer answer is that mirrors are essential for any workout routine.

The most basic reason is that a mirror helps you check your form. If you are using an incorrect form when working out, you may not get the results you were hoping for. Worst case, you may get seriously injured!

This also applies to anyone you are working out with. If your partner, child, or friend is working out in your home gym, a large mirror can help you check that their form is correct.

And, of course, mirrors are one of the best ways to motivate yourself each day. When you can see your fitness progress from day to day and week to week, it provides a powerful motivation to work out that much harder!

Now that you know a bit more about why you need wall mirrors for home gyms let’s explore some of the factors you should consider before making your purchase.

Size Matters

People like to joke about whether “size matters” or not. But when it comes to mirrors for your home gym, bigger is better!

Think about some of the smaller mirrors in your home. Isn’t it frustrating when you have to bend down or otherwise adjust your body to see your reflection?

That won’t do for your home workouts. Because your fitness routine affects your entire body, you need large gym mirrors that let you see your whole body.

That is why good home gym mirrors are sometimes referred to as “wall mirrors.” When you have that much reflective space, you can check the progress of your entire fitness routine with a single glance!

Aesthetic Appeal

Some people don’t consider the aesthetic appeal of their home gym. While this may not be a consideration if you are working out in the garage, it’s a significant consideration when you have converted one of your interior rooms into a gym.

At that point, you should consider how a large mirror affects the room’s overall look. For example, putting a wall mirror on two sides of the room may feel like overkill at first. But doing so can make the whole room look much larger than it is!

Aesthetic consideration is another reason you may want to skip those cheap vanity mirrors that you can find in department stores. They may save you a few bucks, but things like a gaudy mirror frame may end up making the whole room look cheap and ugly.

Check the Lighting

Do you know how some mirrors seem naturally better for selfies than others? That has nothing to do with the glass and everything to do with the lighting in the room.

For fitness purposes, you need to get a light amount that is “just right.” For example, if there is too little light in the room, you won’t be able to get a good look at your body. But if the mirror reflects any direct light, the same thing happens: you can’t get a good look at your reflection.

If possible, you may want to set up a wall mirror in a room with lots of natural lighting. That natural light will make your body look great, and that light reflecting off of the mirror will make areas like darkened corners seem that much less gloomy.

Consider Your Budget

Earlier, we mentioned that you shouldn’t settle for cheap department store vanity mirrors. However, you don’t have to break the bank to get great wall mirrors for home gyms.

First, you should seek out the best glass specialists in your area. These vendors will offer the selection and variety that you deserve.

With a variety of mirrors comes an array of prices. You’ll be able to find the perfect mirror for any budget. Just think: you can take those savings and invest in additional home gym equipment!

Safety vs. Accuracy

One rookie mistake that many people make is not considering the best material for home gym mirrors. That’s right: glass isn’t your only option!

Acrylic, for example, is a safer material. You don’t really have to worry about acrylic glass shattering and injuring you. At the same time, acrylic doesn’t offer the best reflection (more on this in a minute).

Glass offers the best possible reflection, but there is always the potential that it may break. To maximize safety and accuracy, you should invest in tempered-glass mirrors because they are far less likely to break.

Thicker Is Better

You know that a bigger mirror is a better mirror. But did you know that thicker mirrors are better as well?

Thicker mirrors are going to be more stable and less prone to breaking. On top of that, thicker mirrors are less likely to flex.

Flexing often happens with thin, acrylic mirrors. When that happens, you get a frustratingly blurry reflection. That kind of defeats the purpose of having home mirrors in your gym!

For your home gym mirrors, try to get the glass with a thickness between 3 and 3.5 millimeters.

Your Fitness Journey: The Next Steps

Now you know what to consider when buying home gym mirrors. But do you know who can help you find the mirrors you need?

We specialize in all things glass, including custom wall mirrors. To see what we can do for you and your home gym, come request a quote today!