Arriving Home to a Broken House Window: What to do Next?

Broken Window

A broken house window is never a pleasant sight and can quickly become a hazard in your home.

After determining the cause, you’ll need to clean up the mess. It’s vital that you know what to do in this situation since the choices you make also determine the severity of the damage, whether or not there are injuries, and in some cases how much effort and money it’ll take to replace the window altogether.

Here’s the steps to take if a window breaks in your home.

Figure Out What Caused the Broken House Window

Before you find out how to fix a cracked glass window, determine the cause.

For example, if you need an emergency window repair after an intense storm, you’ll need to note what other belongings in the room may be at risk.

If there’s damage from the wind or precipitation, then you’ll have a much larger problem than that broken window. On the other hand, if you window breaks after children are playing around, the incident is more isolated and won’t likely have any other risks.

Secure the Affected Area

Even after you know the cause of your broken house window, it still isn’t time for the house window repair.

You’ll first need to block off the affected area as a temporary fix. If possible, you should request that everyone leave the room with the affected window and keep the door closed behind you.

If there isn’t a door to easily block off the area, notify the adults in the house, and ask for help keeping any children or pets away. Once everyone is removed from the area, you can begin securing the affected window. Keep in mind that when glass shatters due to an impact, there is sure to be pieces of glass that have scattered throughout the room.

Keep your shoes on, and make sure that they are sturdy enough to withstand broken glass pieces. Before doing anything near the broken house window, put some heavy-duty gloves on. To clear the area, you’ll need to pick up any stray pieces of glass so you’ll want to protect yourself as much as possible.

Find the Right Professionals to Help You

An open and empty window frame puts you at risk for weather-related issues, pest infestation, and theft. When it’s time for a cracked window repair, your first call should be to the most reputable window glass supplier you can find (like us, for example!) Our technicians can come in and replace the broken house window as soon as possible.

You should also give your insurance company a call to start a small claim. In your homeowners’ insurance policy, there should be information on what they’ll cover. The average homeowners’ insurance policy should cover the cost of the window replacement.

If you think that your window was damaged from vandalism or burglary, call law enforcement right away. Your local police station should send an officer over to view the damage, write up a report, and start the process of attempting to recover any of your belongings that were stolen during the incident.

Clear Any Stray Glass Around

Once you have an idea when a repairman is coming to your house and have started the claims report processes, it’s time to clean up the area around your broken window. Before you start, make sure that you’re wearing long pants and appropriate shoes, gloves, and a surgical mask (if available) for added protection. Leave the heavy handling to the professionals but protect yourself just as well as they would.

Be sure to gather everything you’ll need to use to move the glass for disposal. Wrap all pieces of glass in paper before placing them into plastic trash bags. This ensures that the glass debris remains securely bagged and also minimizes the risk of injury to you or anyone else who picks up your trash.

Once you’re ready to start cleaning, start by picking up the bigger pieces. You should also check if there’s glass left around the frame. If there are pieces of glass hanging, carefully check if it’s coming out easily — if so, put those pieces in the bag with the others.

If the glass is stuck in place, cover it with a towel and leave it within the frame for your repairmen to handle. Once the biggest pieces of glass are gone, use a broom to get rid of smaller pieces. If you have carpet, vacuum the area and use a damp paper towel to tell if there are any title particles left on the floor.

Keep a Temporary Window Covering

Best case scenario, after an emergency window repair, your repairman will be able to come to your home soon after the incident.

If you have to live with an empty frame for a while, don’t forget to put up a temporary covering to protect yourself. As mentioned earlier, it prevents potential bad weather, pests, and potential intruders from entering.

You can use heavy-duty garbage bags, plastic sheeting, or tarp to cover your open window until a repair specialist can properly help you.

Bottom Line

Following these guidelines and instructions can ensure that your home remains safe, secure, and comfortable.

A broken house window doesn’t have to ruin your day — it’s an issue that can be solved a lot easier than you think. All you need to do is speak with one of our specialists today, and you’ll soon get your home back in normal, running order.