Window Installation Guide: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Picture of window installation car

Ever heard of the expression, “The eyes are the windows to the soul”? In laymen’s terms, it means one can see the various emotions and thoughts going through a person’s mind just by looking in their eyes.

While that may be the case for humans, many homeowners can vouch that the reverse is also true when it comes to their homes and a new window installation. Looking at a house from the outside, windows can give us insight into a home’s character. They also add ambiance and curb appeal to older houses, effectively providing a nice “facelift.”

With over half of Nevada’s homes occupied by the owner, many are looking for ways to up their home’s value with beneficial improvements. If that’s the case with you, it’s important to know what to expect and how to prepare for your home’s window installation. So keep on reading for the essential window installation guide every homeowner should know about.

How to Prepare For a Window Installation

A professional window installation service knows what to do to prepare for a project. They are careful with your property and want to perform the installation as fast as possible. However, you also want to take a few steps yourself to prepare.

For example, make sure all hedges and bushes around windows are trimmed back and won’t get in the installers’ way. They will need plenty of room to safely remove old windows and install new ones. Another good idea to protect your landscaping is to cover any hedges with some well-placed drop cloths as well.

You need to prepare other parts of your home for the installation as well. For example, prevent unwanted damage by removing any window boxes. Make sure to store them somewhere convenient, like the garage, so that you can put them back at the project’s end.

Another thing to do in preparation is to move any furniture inside and outside the home away from where the replacement window installation will occur. Take down any wall hangings and store them somewhere safe and out of the way so the installers can move about unhindered. And make sure to remove any blinds or curtains hanging on or around the window.

What about any children or pets in the home? As careful as any window installation company can be, there could be issues if they have anyone or anything underfoot. Making arrangements ahead of time for the family to be out of the house or putting the pet away in another room will help the project move along quickly.

There are other little factors around the home that a homeowner would want to take care of before the installers arrive. For example, turn off any home security system so removing windows does not set off any alarms. And clear a path for installers to go from the driveway to inside the home.

Be aware; window installation can be very loud. This could be another factor that prompts a homeowner to leave the house while the installation takes place. And a kind neighbor would also want to advise their fellow neighbors of a heightened noise level ahead of time.

As far as budgeting goes, look over the estimate that outlines the window installation cost and any deposit requirements. Some contractors will need the deposit in hand before they can even schedule your project. A prompt deposit payment goes a long way in getting your job scheduled at a time that is convenient for you.

Also, be very clear on payment terms with the company you have chosen to work with ahead of time. And budget when the final payment is due as well. Having a financial plan ahead of time reduces stress, especially if you need to get financing.

What to Expect

Before installation, installers will review the work parameters with the homeowner. They may even walk the house with you to ensure that everything is done as per the estimate and the customer’s expectations. So be sure to schedule enough time for yourself to get everything settled before installation begins.

How long should installation take? While this question should be asked when getting an estimate, most window installations should not take more than a day. In fact, many professionals usually assign about an hour of work per window for a one-story home.

Two-story homes require more effort to remove old windows safely and increase the number of windows to install. They will need space to place ladders or scaffolding. All of this would obviously extend the amount of time a homeowner expects to get the job done.

During the course of the installation, the contractor will replace any interior or exterior trim that was taken down. They will also replace the sill and install, caulk, and secure a new window frame. And, of course, old windows and hardware are removed from the job site and hauled away.

Get yourself home right around the time the installation should be done. A job well-done is not finished until the installer has done a final walk-through with you and gotten approval.

Get Ready For a Beautiful Home With New Windows

Getting a window installation for your home has many benefits. It can increase your home’s value, improve energy efficiency, and add to the house’s overall appearance.

So when a homeowner knows how to prepare for an upcoming new window installation, the project is faster and stress-free. Put these guidelines into practice and discover the same can be said for your project as well.

Is your house in need of a full window replacement? We offer free quotes and friendly service for any window project. Get in touch with us today!